What is a Bizarre Magic gathering you may ask? No it is not Devil Worship, or geek magic, yet there are some that could enter that category at any convention. I am not what many would class as a Bizarrist. So why do Joanne and I go? First I am a dealer, but more importantly this gathering has evolved, and grown over time. It has a life of its own, and is shaped by the attendees. In many respects it is far from the typical magic convention. There are magicians, misfits, curiosity seekers, performers, hobbyists, those who come merely for fun, and those who are trying to find a place that they fit in. Sort of like life, but there is a difference. Here, like a workshop, you are encouraged to share, encouraged to perform, encouraged to learn, encouraged to grow. There is no need to be embarrassed, no one is here to ridicule or judge. We go to share, learn and evolve. And that it does deliver. The list of attendees, to my initial surprise, could fill any world-class convention around the globe. From people like Jeff McBride, Jay Scott Berry, Eugene Burger, Bob Neale, Leslie Melville, David Goodsell, Losander, Luna Shamada , Johnny Thompson, Bob Fitch, Ed Solomon, to the not so famous to mainstream magic, yet uniquely talented performers such as Larry White, Cardor, Brother Shadow, Dr Mambo, Mary Tomich, Vlad, Evil Dan, and all organized by the Grand Magus, Joe Cabral.

Why do they come? Because in a unique way, this gathering offers a community atmosphere that is hard to come by. Losander Master of the Art of Levitation and truly World Class performer interrupted his Fall European Lecture and Performance tour, flew back from Germany at his own expense just to be here. He comes back every year, and we have so much fun. Joining him was his wonderful and talented partner in life Luna Shamada, and their son. They made it their vacation together. Wow. What a testament to any gathering.
Leslie Melville
Leslie Melville, comes all the way from the UK every year, just to be at the gathering, and always performs, and brings a sense of wonder so rare to us all with his class, his characters, his stories, and beautiful style. I can be a six year old child once again, and really experience that sense of wonder I seem to forget about the rest of the year. This is true magic, and some of the reasons we would not miss it for the world. Leslie has performed his own style of magic for many years in clubs, cabarets, holiday centres, luxury cruise liners and theatres; specialising for several Christmas seasons in pantomime as the wicked 'Uncle Abanazar' in Aladdin. As work in clubs and cabarets declined during the eighties, he began producing themed children's shows for Scottish schools. The subjects were diverse, including Road Safety, Pantomime History, Litter Abatement, Pirates and Scary Spook Shows! Around the same time, he established a small performance company ‘'Clyde Coast Theatre' which toured schools, libraries and community centres. A by-product of this company was the formation of 'The Tree of Bells Storytellers', playing outdoor galas, fetes and folk festivals. During this time, Leslie also presented his own solo storytelling performances and for the last twenty years has featured in storytelling festivals and gatherings throughout the U.K. and here in the States at the Gathering. Always a highlight, and what Joanne and I look forward to the most. Leslie is currently working on a new production of 'Terrifying Tales' which origiinally opened at Hallowe'en on Friday and Saturday, 30th & 31st October 2009 at the Lawrence House Studio of The Blackpool Grand Theatre.

Bob Neale
Bob Neale, one of the most influential, thinkers, and creators was just one of this years lecturers. He and his wonderful wife are just a joy to spend time with. I was able to spend some great time, and have many laughs with an old friend, someone I have learned so much from, and has given so much to the world of magic, and world of entertainment, including immeasurable contributions to stage, screen, theater and life, and that is Bob Fitch. If you dare to listen, dare to reflect, and dare to try to find who you really are, you can only grow and benefit from being with Bob. And what is truly unique, he also had as much fun as we did, and went away knowing more, feeling more, and understanding more. That is what this gathering has to offer. Like any event, there are highs and lows, good and bad, exceptional talent, and really bad performances. But isn’t that the nature of life, isn’t that the nature of balance? You need to do it all, and experience it all, to know what path you want to be on. That is why we go, that is what I get from it. Each of us gets something different, but that is why Joanne and I would not miss it for the world. If you notice I said spend time with, and it is a small gathering, and that is what makes this all possible. One of the reasons they all keep coming back.

Bob Fitch
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