Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring Lecture Tour

We have just returned from our Spring Excursion, and we had a blast.  Joanne took a few pics as we travelled, first at DKOM with President Al Hitt, a great group, and lots of fun. then at Denny's Magic Shop, wow, the new place is awsome, and Denny stocks more great magic than anyone I know.  What a shop, and a great theater as well.  If you get to Baltimore, this is a must stop and shop.  He carry's only the best.  We had a great turnout.  Joanne took a shot of his theater before the lecture, it filled up fast and was a great evening.

Another treat was the lecture at Marc Desouza's Theater.  Marc has been a great friend for many years, and his hospitality is unparalleled. Marc has an incredible magic collection and even a huge collection of guitars from some of the greats.  Add to that his incredible theater, and this is a dream house for any magicians, and collector.

We had many other stops, but time did not allow for photos, if you have any, please email them to us so we can post them.  We had a great time at the SAM 21 in West Hartford, the Delaware Knights of Magic in Willmington DE, Magi-Whirl Washington DC, Lancaster PA, and State College PA Ring 352 with John Blake.  We are glad we had the time to meet so many new friends, and visit with so many old ones. Now its time to pack for FFFF and continue this madness we call magic.  See you out there.

Hint:  Click the photo for a larger view.  :-)